My Diary
Name AmsYaRiLLa 08Nov Scorpio
Hobbies: I dunno..sleeping as much
as I can if I could..ahaks
Loves travelling and hates to be sick!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

hey lys,noe wat?....time pas so fast dat i dun realise dat my mom is act cumin back next week.hmmm....wat to udte,my hubby starts leave aldy,amsyar is sick,now 3 days aldy but recoverin aldy....well,had sum blunders past few days but aldy resolved....thank god....what else,
oh my cousin is now gonna be married soon in fact dis of luck to her....dats all i cud say no doubt dat i personally thinks dat its not the right decision but who am i?.....maybe its da rite thingy to do and i also can understand dat sumhow she might have been pressured to do so or maybe she had a change of heart???maybe she wants it...who knows but like i say it's solely up to her.....all da best for her.
well,i am awake from 4 plus and i have nothin better to do than just lookin at my son....thinkin of how he wud become when he grows up.....i hope i will be a good parent to him....i really do. wat else,oh i almost forgot,pe'eh is gonna be engaged next sat 040206 wiz a dowry of $7000. and hes gonna be married on july......all da best to him too...
lets talk about myself,.....oh yes u noe yesterday was backsteeet boys concert at the indoor stadium and where am i??? i am home....and to think dat it is one of my important events in my life......i've been waiting for dat concert since i dunno when.....oh now i remember,i was awake as i am watchin da music videos frm bsb at my yahoo music videos site(and still am at dis moment.. hehehe) i actually drp a few tears when i watch da videos as i felt dat i'm left out yesterday....(emo betul lah me nie)....well,i guess there wont be any more chances like dat in my lifetime...and i wonder how the concert is....but i bet it's damnnn good man! tapi tak ape,i'm makin da sacrifice as im thinkin of my parents yang ngah buat amal nun jauh di sana so it's ok....
make me suffer for a while after dat shud be no prob lah....
ok lah...dats about it cos i need to hv my rest as i am weking today start kul 1400-2230hrs..ciao!

posted by aprillia_gal at 2:20 PM
